Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Humanitarian Intervention-The Responsibility to Protect Development Essay

Humanitarian Intervention-The Responsibility to Protect Development - Essay Example Although the idea appears to be lawful, it is in contrast with the Charter to humanitarian intervention that prohibits the use of force in restoring peace. Article 2 chapter 4 presents the legal dimension that governs against the use of force. It states that, â€Å"All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations.† Hence, NATO breached the international law when it used force without the consent of the UN Security Council and this places the organization outside legality. Humanitarian intervention takes into consideration the atrocities that occur within states that shook the conscience of humankind; hence the need of effective intervention that will help to save defenceless people in the country from starvation, carnage, among other human conditions (Ban 2009, 8). Humanitarian interventi on can be defined as the use of coercive military force in the internal affairs of a sovereign state with the aim of addressing massive human rights violation so as to prevent widespread human suffering within a state by other state(s) (Weiss 2006, 3). There are various forms of humanitarian intervention including protection of humanitarian aid operations, use of military forces to deliver humanitarian aid such as food, water, medicine and shelter, protecting victims of violence and fighting violence perpetrators in states under threat. The humanitarian intervention is attributed to the role played by the UN Security Council in promoting international peace and security through authorization of military force to respond to severe atrocities. This role is seen in interventions during the atrocities in Somalia, Rwanda, Kosovo and East Timor. The humanitarian intervention plays effective roles in conflict resolution in peacekeeping through collective interventions by the UN as well as regional bodies sanctioned by the UN Security Council. The humanitarian interventions has always been treated as suspects since they are viewed to be used as mere vehicles for national aggrandizement, institutions of political and economic systems that are detested by indigenous population and imposition of puppets in power. These issues raised by humanitarian intervention makes it impractical for balancing sovereign rights and global values. Given the US has been shadowing its operations in invading other countries under the umbrella of humanitarian intervention and UN charter article 2 chapters 7 that calls for enforcement of measures that aid in international peace and security. Most of the humanitarian intervention involves attempt of stemming out the tides of threats to international peace and security (Pattinson 2010, 113). This is due the fact that peace in the world today is being destroyed by unending wars and conflicts that tend to block the world peace process thus leadin g to material loss, loss of life and mental sadness. Humanitarian disasters results to torture of human conscience and these calls for the whole of the international community to be responsible in times of massive humanitarian crisis. Interventions that took place in Somalia in 1993 were characterized by failure of the doctrine and this led to facing out of intervention thus leading to non-interventionism. Non-interventionism approach was employed in Rwanda and this led to disastrous consequences in 1994 brought about by genocide. In effect, interventionism was employed in Kosovo and East Timor in 1999. The Kosovo war is a good case for understanding the legality of the humanitari

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Written Critical Analysis of a Literary Poetry To his Love by Ivor Essay

Written Critical Analysis of a Literary Poetry To his Love by Ivor Gurney - Essay Example Gurney loved the countryside and often took long walks enjoying its beauty. He started composing music in 1904 at the age of 14. His scholarship enabled him to enroll himself at the Royal College of Music in 1911, but his mood swings made it difficult for him to focus on academic work. He suffered from bipolar, manic depression, poor health, and had his first breakdown in 1913. After convalescing, he returned to college (Pamela Blevins, 2008, p77) World War I had an adverse effect on Gurney’s college education and that is the time when he chose to enlist as a private. He was deployed at the Western Front where he seriously took to writing poetry. (Michael Hurd, 2011) It was rather unfortunate that he was badly wounded in April 1917, when he was in the middle of writing poems. After recovering, he went back to the front. Another very unfortunate mishap that took place was that Gurney was senselessly gassed four months later, and had to be hospitalized. However, once again he to ok to writing poetry once he was discharged from hospital. But as fate would have it, once again he suffered a serious breakdown in March 1918 and yet once more, spent his time composing and writing poetry during his stint in hospital. After gradually regaining his emotional stability, he was discharged honorably from Lamia Benmoussa 3 the army in October 1918. He returned to the Royal College of Music, but sadly his mental stability continued to worsen and he was finally forced to drop out. He had suffered so much in life and by 1922, his family declared him to be insane. The following fifteen years of his life was spent in different asylums but still continued his writing during those bitter years. He contacted tuberculosis, became very sick and breathed his last on December 26th 1937 at the age of 47, in the City of London Mental Hospital. (Stuart Lee, The Ivor Gurney Collection). Gurney wrote his first elegiac World War I poem â€Å"To His Love† from the deep trenches at Seaton Delaval, Northumberland in 1917. His poetic technique was simplistic yet captivated the reader to focus upon the goodness of common things. His poems highlight conflicting memories that reflected the pain and trauma in his life. Gurney’s poetry is one that seeks simple honesty in the middle of contemporary ideas and other commonplace expressions. In his poems, he expresses the after-effects of gas and the trauma he faced while at the front, and about his experiences following his discharge from the Army. (Jennifer Kilgore-Caradec, p.38) In the poem, â€Å"To His Love†, Gurney begins on a sober note with a traditional sort of elegy, reminiscing about the happy days spent in the past, with his friend, but sadly now he lies dead. He is unable to even glance at his friend’s lacerated body and filled with grief, expresses himself through a note of rising hysteria as Lamia Benmoussa 4 he feels helpless in trying to erase the grotesque memory of his beloved frie nd. (Glynn Maxwell, 2011). There is mention of the River Severn and Gloucestershire, where, together in the company of his dear friend, are associated with two themes in the poem. The poem is a soliloquy and an elegy in which one of the soldiers is found talking to the fiance’ or the girlfriend about the death of a soldier. He mourns with grief at this loss and regrets that he has lost the company of this soldier forever and will never be able to redeem that pleasure again. Gurney’s inspiration for this poem was drawn from the supposed death of Willy Harvey who was his dearest friend, in August 1916. When his friend was alive they had spent such wonderful days together, but now the poem describes the harsh reality of his friend’s death which is described in this poem. In fact, Harvey was taken as